Chinese Novels

Chapter 1

The way of great learning consists in manifesting one's bright virtue

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The way of great learning consists in manifesting one's bright virtue, consists in loving the people, consists in stopping in perfect goodness.

Knowledge leads to determination, determination leads to stillness, stillness leads to peace, peace leads to contemplation, contemplation leads to attainment. There is a beginning and an end to things. Knowing the order of things is the shortcut.

In ancient times, those who wished to be virtuous to the world should first govern their country; Those who want to govern their country must first gather their families; Those who want to unite their families must first cultivate their bodies; To cultivate one's body, first correct one's heart; To rectify one's heart, one must first be sincere in their intentions; Those who wish to be sincere should first seek their knowledge. Knowledge is gained through investigating things. After understanding the physical condition, one can reach the ultimate goal; after understanding the ultimate goal, one can become sincere in their intentions; after becoming sincere in their intentions, one can become righteous in their heart; after becoming righteous in their heart, one can cultivate their body; after cultivating their body, one can achieve family harmony; after achieving family harmony, one can establish national governance; and after achieving national governance, the world can become peaceful. From the emperor to the common people, self-cultivation is the foundation.

Those who are originally chaotic but have not been effectively treated, no more. What is thick is thin, and what is thin is thick, there is none. It is the fundamental truth. In other words, the person who is able to behave in such way has entered the highest realm of knowledge..

Update Time:2025-02-08 15:31:03
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